


i had a meal in the morning, walked with my mother to exercise, and went to the drugstore to buy some masks, alcohol and other things, because it’s a very time i dare not go too far.


i wear a double-layer mask to prevent the virus. i wear a bulky down jacket to prevent cold. when i walk on the quiet asphalt road in the community, the adults and children are gone. there is no noise in the community square in the past. “hey, because of the invasion of the coronavirus, i have to take shelter at home.”.


out of the gate of the community, there are a few private cars running on the road. police cars and special police cars patrol on the road, almost no pedestrians can be seen. occasionally, one person is also armed, wearing a mask and a hat. the whole road seems to be in a biochemical crisis without the usual traffic.


when she came to the drugstore, the salesman was also a fully armed aunt. she wore a three-layer mask, disposable gloves, disposable foot covers, and only two eyes were exposed outside. many medicines on the shelf were sold out of stock. i asked about the masks, alcohol and cold medicine. before i finished, the aunt of the drugstore waved her hand, “no, none, alcohol, cold medicine and anti-inflammatory medicine. the masks were out of stock two days ago, and the materials were transported to the forefront of the anti-virus hospital.”. no way, my mother and i went to the next few drugstores and got the same result.


it seems that the epidemic situation is not as simple as expected. it is fierce. in order to be safe, does puyang city seal the city and prevent outsiders from coming in? do all the people in the city stay at home and escape the disaster situation safely?

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